Product Description
The mechanical mod is designed with chromium pigment that adorns it by adding metallic beauty to its nature. The FastTech is identified as one of the most portables in the 18650 series of mech mod which is available for sale. The Boxer styled 18650 mechanical mod has been used in experimenting and have been verified to produce an impressive outcome. The device is fortified with safety features, and it is efficient in its power which can be used to fire up your RDA or RTA. The device is designed in various colors that distinguish it from others.
The Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene which is known with its abbreviation (ABS) is a typical thermoplastic polymer. Its temperature is assumed to be roughly about 105øC (221øF) for it to be transformed into glass. Despite the fact that ABS plastics are utilized to a great extent for mechanical objectives, they likewise have electrical characteristics that are genuinely consistent over an extensive variety of frequencies. These characteristics are minimally influenced by temperature and environmental moistness in the satisfactory working scope of temperatures.
The device has ergonomic designs which are a pragmatic science involved with the planning and masterminding how it functions for the safe and effective use by individuals.
The Boxer styled 18650 mech mod by FastTech gives the alternative of direct output or steady voltage output taking into account the change of experience as it is influenced by the vaper. A current base strengthened battery entryway takes into consideration harmless input of batteries, disposing of the worry of shorting your 18650 battery.
The device is designed with firing buttons that you can lock after use. The lockable firing button is one of the features safety tools on the mechanical mod that keeps you safe from an accident. You do not want your mech mod firing itself continuously as that can be dangerous.
The mechanical mod also features 8ml silicone squonk bottle that has the luminous function. The silicon squonk bottle is constructed of 100% food grade silicone, ss for caps and it is used for squonk box mod BF refilling juice.
The Boxer styled mechanical mod is also characterized by the 510 connector which utilizes a constant connection with the battery allowing your atomizer to touch the battery uninterruptedly. The essence of the direct connection is so that voltage deficiency does not become a problem as the battery is being contacted. This Mechanical gadget is prescribed for cutting-edge customers. It is also advised that the device should not be kept with the batteries inside it. The battery tubes included can likewise be replaced to fit other batteries in the 18xxx sequence. We suggest the utilization of bottom top batteries against flush top. Also, you don't join 510 associations that are flush.
The dimension of the Boxer styled mechanical mod comes in a very portable and handy form. Its depth is 24.8mm with the height being 74.5mm and width of 44.5mm. The total weight of the mechanical mod is 46g which makes it light and mobile. These mods are entirely for diehard vapors that comprehend the crude influence that mechanical mods can create. It is built and planned by experts for the use of experts. The Boxer styled 18650 mechanical mod is a recent and thrilling expansion to the FastTech device world. It is developed from ABS material and beautified with ergonomic designs. This mechanical mod can be operated in both parallel and series for an additional security and superior value.